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Helping Clients, Customers & Visitors Find Their "Way"

The dictionary defines wayfinding as “the process of activity of ascertaining one’s position and planning while following a route.” At ARS we simply define it as knowing where you are going at whatever location you’re at.

Wayfinding kiosks offer an easy and interactive way to help people navigate complex buildings or campuses. Often, these directory kiosks provide visitors with maps, listings, and other search functions that aid in finding a desired location.

Yet it’s more than simply understanding directions. Courtrooms, city and county buildings, hospitals, universities and more spend a significant amount of time and resources helping visitors find the right place to be at any given time. It can be a time-consuming task for a team member, and even more difficult for that person to verbally explain the right directions.

We’re a society that always seems to be in a hurry so providing the right information about where a person should go is of critical importance. We also live in a “real-time world,” which can make meeting cancellations or courtroom changes difficult. A printed map or a sign on the wall may not accurately reflect the latest information that is needed.

Fortunately, an AI-powered, interactive kiosk can provide wayfinding information in real-time when it is connected to other cloud programs like a case management system or internal meeting program. Think of how frustrating it would be to appear as required in a courtroom only to find out a hearing has been moved to a courtroom on the other side of the building. This is a real-life situation that can happen daily that even includes answering frequently asked questions seamlessly.

Plus, utilizing a kiosk to provide wayfinding directions is not a zero-sum situation. The data used by an AI-powered, interactive kiosk improves the more accurate information it has. Some of the verbal and visual directions a kiosk provides to a guest will likely improve over time as it learns about common questions and fields identical requests.

Among the benefits of a wayfinding kiosk solution:

  • Give visitors more robust search choices with employee names, departments or offices that replace time-consuming alphabetical menu boards in the lobby.

  • A visual map guides guests to the intended destination versus only offering an office or room number.

  • Cut back on staff hours manning an information desk.

  • Offer appropriate facility branding or promotional messaging on a track loop when the kiosk is not in use.

Multiple industries benefit from a wayfinding kiosk solution because the wayfinding features are not the only function these products service. From license renewals at a governmental office building to room reservations and tuition payments at a college or university, versatility while helping guests get to their final destination is key.

If you’re ready to start on your path to helping your customers and guests find their way at your facility without the need for dedicating staff to the task, schedule a no obligation demo with the team at Advanced Robot Solutions today. Request a demo online or call 203-733-4314.

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