Advanced Robot Solutions (ARS)has been a leading provider of robots in the US since 2015. With robots in all verticals, such as, the San Jose Airport, Ottawa County Court (pictured right), Miami Children’s Hospital, and more, ARS has a wide range of robot use cases. A problem ARS has faced with having multiple robots across the country is that it can be seemingly impossible to manage all of them and make them much more interactive with humans. As official partners of AWS RoboMaker, ARS is looking to increase Human Robot Interaction (HRI) by incorporating AWS RoboMaker into its’ robots.
How Integrating RoboMaker will Impact Human Robot Interaction (HRI)
By incorporating AWS RoboMaker into ARS robots, the goal is to increase positive Human Robot Interaction (HRI) through proximate and social interactions, increasing a peer relationship through the following Cloud Extensions for ROS provided by AWS RoboMaker: Amazon Kinesis and Amazon Rekognition, Amazon Lex and Amazon Polly, and Amazon

Amazon Kinesis and Amazon Rekognition
The addition of Amazon Kinesis and Amazon Rekognition will allow the ARS robots to collect millions of faces and correlate the face to a name, which will be stored over AWS Cloud9(1). This addition to the robot, ensures that future interactions with a repeat individual will be personalized. For example, if a robot is placed in the lobby of a hospital, the robot will be able to recall the name of a recurring individual and ask how they are feeling, remembering the previous conversation and using their name in the speech. It is theorized that this personalized touch will result in a positive HRI in the same concept that when humans remember an individual's name, they feel a stronger connection. By storing the information on AWS Cloud9, it ensures that the robotic software will not slow down due to increased memory storage since it will not be stored on the actual hard drive.

Amazon Lex and Amazon Polly
The ARS robots are currently programmed to speak over 25 languages. However, the speech is programmed in responses and initiated through the push of a button. By incorporating Amazon Lex into the ARS software, the robot will be able to successfully interpret talk to text in multiple languages, breaking the text down into smaller pieces and, by using Amazon Polly, the robot will be able to formulate a response, text to talk (2). This in turn, will allow the HRI to be seamless in that there will be no need to press a button on a map to hear directions. Simply just ask the robot directly how to get around the airport, hospital or any large building. It should increase social and entertainment interaction by allowing humans to ask where the robot is from, what the robot does for fun, and more. Amazon Lex and Amazon Polly are the programming in Alexa that provides talk to text and text to talk. This integration should result in a more interactive, back and forth conversation in the ARS robots.
Amazon CloudWatch
With the incorporation of Amazon Lex and Amazon Polly, Amazon Kinesis and Amazon Rekognition, Amazon CloudWatch will ensure that the ARS team can monitor the HRI on the robots that are out in the field. ARS can see what questions are being asked the most, monitor if the robot is not getting a large amount of interaction and watch for issues in coding. CloudWatch’s ability to complete updates remotely means that all the software will be up-to-date and monitored in real time to ensure that if any issues arise, the engineers can work on the robots remotely(3).

What is next for ARS and AWS
As the Fourth Industrial Revolution rapidly approaches, there will be advancements in robotics at a quicker pace than ever seen before. There will also be a significantly higher demand that can only be sufficiently satisfied if there is a strong system in place. As an official partner of AWS, the groundwork for success with robotics has been set. By integrating the AWS RoboMaker software, the ARS robots will be more interactive than ever before and connecting the robots to CloudWatch allows the robots to be updated remotely. All robots that are currently in use will be updated with AWS RoboMaker. These updated robots will make for a more satisfying HRI experience.